Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Stan Theories

I just had this idea, a theory... what if Stan actually knows about the wheel and that each of the people represent one of them? For example, remember when Stan saw them messed up and said to choose something from the store? What if those pine tree hats were put there in plain sight so that Dipper would choose one, and be officially made into the Pine Tree? Another thing about Dipper: you know about the forest, the forbidden one? Look at this photo. If you see what it is, you'll scream.

Yes. Those trees look like PINE TREES. And that must mean that the book was hidden in one. That means that Dipper must've been the only one who was supposed to find it, but, wait, there's more! Stan chose DIPPER specifically to go and put the mystery shack signs up... IN THE FOREST. He actually might've known that one of the books was somewhere out there, and he thought that since  Dipper was the Pine Tree and the forest was Pine Trees, then he thought Dipper would have the best luck. He probably thought he'd open up and tell Stan that he found the book, and Stan could take the book, but when he didn't, Stan probably assumed that Dipper hadn't found it.

But, anyways, I'm thinking: why does Stan want everyone to have been represented as a symbol? I'll talk about that later, but first I want to mention some POSSIBLE ways he was making everyone representing them.

1: Stan bought Mabel a llama sweater, and wanted her to wear it so that she would be named the Llama.
2: Stan thought that Soos was the question mark, so he got him his shirt. Maybe this was the only gift Soos got from Stan, so he decided to wear it all the time.
3: Stan thought Wendy was the ice, so he put out a rigged booth in the fair in The Time Traveler's Pig to make Wendy melt and desire the stuffed animal, only to also have it rigged so she'd get hit in the eye and need ice, which he also put out.

Not many, but those are the ones from characters he knows. 4, one is the dipper one and the others are the three I just listed. Now onto the Stan wanting them to be represented.

I don't have theories about it that you can think that it's PERFECTLY logical and stuff, but here's a few ideas. Choose which you think sounds best.

1: Maybe Bill doesn't know who all the symbols are, but he needs them. Stan knows this and he's making it clear to Bill who's who- why? Because maybe he has something he's working on in the secret society to get rid of Bill, and he needs to stay alive by making everyone else targeted- but as long as Bill doesn't know some of them, no one will die. Another thing: maybe the secret society is the fez symbol, but that's another thing Bill doesn't know because they don't talk about it in the society as to keep it secret, also they never think about it. Stan bought a fez with the symbol on it to look like it's him, but really Stan is the glasses and he's trying to make Bill think that HE is the Fez, so that Bill won't go for the society and Bill won't ever assume that Stan is the Glasses.

2: Stan IS being possessed by Bill, sometimes. Bill knows that destiny will lead the characters to resembling what they are, but he has to aid them. He tried to get Dipper to find the book so that Bill can destroy it if he shares it with Stan, and when they come back rustled up he has the hats on store to see if that's what he'll choose. This one theory isn't too detailed or very good, but it COULD be if I thought it out more. heheh...

Those are the only ones I can think of right now. But, anyways, I hope you enjoyed what I think. I don't think it's just a coincidence that the forest is Pine Trees.

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